The Subluxation is a Serious Problem
By Dr. Michael P. Joseph D.C.
Director Neck, Back, Arm, Leg & Headache- Pain Relief Clinic of Marin
Sports Injury Clinic of Marin
Licensed by the State of California
Graduate Western States Chiropractic College 1986
- Subluxations also called Blockages or Misalignments cause interference
with the nervous system - essentially shutting down vital flow to important
tissues of the body. This is a big deterrent to a person's innate ability
to recuperate, heal or be functional.
- Nerve interferences can be progressively debilitating, painful, fatiguing,
or worse - and are always associated with a restriction in motion. Nerve
interference with motor or sensory nerves are experienced as pain or
loss of strength, but autonomic nerve interference is more insidious
and harder to experience.
- These Subluxations can be corrected and removed by Chiropractic adjustments
that are precise and gentle.
What makes the JosephMethod unique is: the precision
of the adjustment, and also the comprehensive support we provide
for the adjustment to work properly. To find out more, see The
- A Subluxation is usually thought of as a misalignment or blockage
in the spine, but can also be a misalignment of any joint in the body.
- For example Subluxation can occur in the:
- Arch of the foot.
- Carpal tunnel area of the hand.
- Where the rib articulates with the spine or sternum.
- In addition to the spine, misalignments are very common in the extremities,
such as:
- Hips
- Knees
- Shoulders
- Elbows
- Feet
- Hands
- Toes- especially the big toes.
- Subluxations often occur in the jaw and are associated with TMJ.
- Subluxations irritate nerve roots and the blood vessels,which branch
off from the spinal cord between each of the vertebrae or which branch
off near any joint.
- This irritation usually causes pain and dysfunction in muscle, lymphatic
and organ tissue, as well as the shut down of neuropathways.
- This irritation to the nervous system has far reaching effects.
What Causes a Subluxation?
- Injury or Fall
- Sudden jar or trauma
- An inherited spinal weakness
- Improper sleeping conditions or habits
- Poor posture
- Occupational hazards
- Playing injuries
- Watching television or reading with detrimental posture or poor ergonomics
- Incorrect lifting practices
- Obesity
- Lack of rest and exercise
- Stress
How is a Subluxation Corrected?
- The Doctor of Chiropractic is trained to restore the misaligned vertebrae
and other joints to their proper position in the spinal column or the
- They do this manually, utilizing the Chiropractic procedure known
as "the adjustment".
- The Doctor, in most cases, will use his or her hands in applying corrective
pressure to the spine in a specific direction and location.
- The manual force or thrust helps restore the alignment and mobility
of the vertebrae
Does the Adjustment Feel Good?
- Yes! Under normal circumstances, Good Chiropractic adjustments feel
good and relieve pain and discomfort.
- Many people experience a state of euphoria after being adjusted. This
is due to the sudden release of energy along the neural pathway, and
the joy of experiencing a healthy nervous system.
- People who receive Chiropractic are often happier people as a result
of the increase in nervous system function.
- In cases of recent trauma, such as whiplash, rare mild discomfort
may be experienced due to inflammation.
- It is also possible to feel a brief sensation in the extremities immediately
following an adjustment due to the sudden decompression of the affected
nerve root.
Is Regular Chiropractic Care Necessary?
Regular Chiropractic care may be necessary to correct spinal or extremity
Subluxations and is always useful to help maintain sound health and fitness.
Your spine is under constant strain during the day and sometimes at night.
Improper lifting techniques, poor posture, accidents, falls and bumps,
sleeping issues and other causes, contribute to spinal and extremity strain.
Good Chiropractic Care will:
- Restore the integrity of the spine and the joints.
- Normalize the nervous system and the structural integrity of the body.
- Maintain the bodily equilibrium and
- Boost the immune system.
Because the nervous system is one of the most complex and interesting
systems in the body and because good Chiropractic care does affect
the nervous system so deeply, the effects of good Chiropractic care on
the human system are very positive.
The Central and Peripheral Nervous System
- The Central Nervous System includes the brain and the spinal cord.
- The Peripheral Nervous System includes:
- The Sensory nerves carrying important messages back to the brain
- The Motor nerves carrying important messages to muscles.
- The Autonomic nerves carrying information to and from the brain
to important structures such as the heart, lungs, intestines, and
every vital organ and gland in the body.
- These are some of the issues in these systems:
- Two or more adjacent vertebrae twisted in opposite directions
will squeeze the spinal canal and can squeeze the cord.
- Interference with sensory flow can cause numbness or pain or worse.
- Decrease in motor nerve flow can cause a muscle or group of muscles
to stop functioning.
- Decrease in autonomic nerve flow:
- Will cause vital viscera to function at either subtly less than
optimum levels or markedly worse levels.
- Subtle and progressive decrease in autonomic nerve flow is
not readily perceived by most people.
- Therefore a person may have a debilitating Subluxation without ever
knowing it.
- She or he could easily have a lot more:
- Energy
- Balance
- Strength
- Ease and Less Stress
- Health
- And not even know because the person may not hurt.
- This is the big picture of Chiropractic.
- This is one of the main reasons why people go to Chiropractors.
Chiropractic effects all these nerves in a deeply positive way, relieving
pain, creating better flow, increasing vital energy.
For an appointment call 415-444-0700