History of Chiropractic
- 17,500- 500 BC: Early cultures practice prototypes of Chiropractic:
Chinese, Greek, Japanese, Egyptians, Hindus, Tibetans and Babylonians.
- North America: Ancient Native American hieroglyphics show prototypes
of Chiropractic used to heal the sick.
- 1845: DD Palmer was born in Ontario, Canada.
- 1865: DD Palmer moved to the United States when he was twenty years
- 1885: DD studied with Paul Caster, a magnetic healer in Ottumwa,
- 1887: DD moved to Davenport, Iowa. He set up his first practice-
the Palmer Cure & Infirmary.
- September 18, 1895: DD Palmer performed his first adjustment on
the janitor, Harvey Lillard, who was delighted at the restoration of
his hearing.
- 1902: BJ Palmer graduated from his dad's school and then developed,
documented, and promoted the principals and philosophy of Chiropractic,
thus creating the most revolutionary idea in the history of health care-
Chiropractic Care!
- DD Palmer and BJ Palmer were persecuted at first, as were many
other innovators such as: Lister, the first advocate of antiseptic surgery;
Roentgen, the inventor of x- rays; and Madame Curie, the discoverer
of radium.
- DD Palmer believed in the Toxic Theory of Health which says that
drugs and excesses to the body will interfere with the purpose of the
innate intelligence, to keep us healthy!
- Both father and son Palmer believed that treating the causes of
the loss of function to the nervous system with Chiropractic allows
the innate intelligence to create health in the body ongoingly.
- Today there are now more than 75,000 practicing doctors of Chiropractic
- In the early days of Chiropractic, those pioneer doctors were willing
to make great sacrifices, including going to jail, for what they believed
in - the patient's unalienable right to choose what kind of health care
they deserve. And the right for them to have the option to choose Chiropractic.
For an appointment call 415-444-0700
If you enjoyed this you might like to read also:
Chiropractic Compassion & Expectation written by Terry Rondberg,
D.C., and Timothy Feuling, D.C.
You may download your free copy from the World Chiropractic Alliance
at: http://www.worldchiropracticalliance.org/resources/files/expect.pdf