How I Finally Ended My Twenty Year Fight With
I felt nearly crazy after 3 days of blinding
pain from the worst migraine I'd had in 20 years of headaches.
My sweet husband tried again to persuade me to go see a chiropractor
whose treatments had saved him from knee surgery the year before.
"No," I whispered, my eyes squeezed
shut in pain. "Chiropractors can't help migraines. I've tried
"But Dr. Joseph truly is different. I really
think he can help you."
I had taken every over-the-counter and prescription
drug for migraines, including Imitrex and my old faithful Fioranol.
Nothing worked. I was desperate and disheartened, knowing a trip
to the ER and the resulting shot that would knock me out, would
also leave me drugged for two days.
"How about just giving Dr. Joseph a try?"
my husband Trevor asked, gently rubbing my neck. "If it doesn't
work, I'll take you straight to the emergency room."
An hour later I was lying on an examining table
with Dr. Joseph's hands carefully probing the back of my neck
and skull, moving my head gently from side to side. After the
examination process was complete, he adjusted my neck gently and
with great skill, unlike anyone had before. The instant he did
that, I immediately felt the pain literally exit out the top left
side of my head. I was stunned.
Tentatively, I moved my head back and forth.
Sure enough, no pain. I laid quietly, waiting for the mind-numbing
pain to return. But it was gone, completely gone. I had walked
in the clinic with excruciating pain and walked out pain-free.
Treatment with Dr. Joseph over the next couple
of months eliminated my subluxations and decades long fight with
migraines. I now maintain my neck to be pain free with the JosephMethod
and to keep migraines a thing of the past.
Thank You, Dr. Joseph, you are a miracle worker.
Bless you!
Ramona Alston