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Welcome to the Strain vs. Sprain information Center

What is a Strain vs. Sprain?

A strain is an injured muscle or tendon. A sprain is an injured ligament.

Tendons connect muscle to bone and
Strong and flexible muscles protect the joint and bone from injury.

What causes a strain?
There is a quick force to the muscle or tendon.
It could be from sports or auto accident or lifting.
Some of the tendon or muscle fibers are broken or even torn.
Therefore the area will usually swell and become tender or painful and then stiff. Therefore the muscle will be harder for you to use.

What does a strain feel like?
It is usually tender or painful.
It will not move as well.
It will not usually bear weight properly.
Finger tip pressure applied to the injured muscle will often feel taut tender and fiberous.

A Sprain is an injured ligament.
Ligaments connect bone to bone.
Sprains occur when a joint is forced beyond its normal range of motion. Examples:

  • Turning or rolling your ankle.
  • Whiplash from a car accident.
  • Impact from a sports injury

Here is how it happens:
There is a force which exceeds the joints ability to stretch.
The muscles are not able to protect the joint.
The joint stretches beyond its range of motion.
The ligament fibers stretch or even tear.

Here is what a Sprain feels like.
It feels swollen.
There is usually pain when stretching the joint.
It may hurt to use the joint or put weight on it.
Force, similar to the original force that caused the problem will usually cause more pain and be less stable.
The mobility of the joint is diminished or even lost.

What is the impact on my body from a Strain or Sprain?

Many people do not know this. Most soft tissue injuries unless proper care is taken, will not heal fully. A muscle will heal with scar tissue instead of muscle. It will be less flexible and more tender until your body numbs to the sensitivity increase. A ligament, which remember connects bone to bone, is almost avascular ( minimal blood flow). Therefore it too will heal with scar tissue. In other words ligaments are hard to heal. When there is a ligament injury, do you think that the bones will be pulled out of alignment?

The answer is of course - YES

Can chiropractic help my Strain or Sprain? Call us to find out more. 415-444-0700.

Chiropractic is proven to help strain/sprains heal far quicker. The reason is- that chiropractic releases what is called a subluxation. Releasing this pressure:

  • Feels good
  • Restores mechanical advantage
  • Restores range of motion,
  • Restores circulation and
  • Most of all restores Nerve flow back to the joint and other areas affected.

To find out more about strain vs sprain and how long it might take to heal, order your ebook from us or call us for more information 415-444-0700

Here are some of the topics in the ebook:

Strain vs. Sprain Home Guide

  1. What is a strain/sprain?
  2. What are the differences between the strain and the sprain?
  3. How do I know if I have a strain/sprain?
  4. When do I use heat?
  5. What about rest?
  6. Do I need to elevate the injured body part?
  7. Do I need to bandage it?
  8. When do I stop resting and bandage it?
  9. How are SPINE strains and sprains different than EXTREMITY strains and sprains, such as the ankle?
  10. Should I wear a brace?
  11. How do I greatly speed up the healing process.
  12. What causes a joint to lose its mechanical advantage?

Call 415-444-0700 and ask for the Strain vs Sprain Home Guidebook

Contest To Win A Pillow and a $1000 Coupon for our office

Besides taking care of many strains and sprains, in our office, we also take care of a condition that helps heal strains and sprains called a SUBLUXATION. To qualify, please explain the difference between Sprian vs. Strain vs. the Subluxation. The person who does the best job will receive a pillow that sells for $120 and a coupon for services in our office. Dr Joseph will read the entries himself; and our team will vote on the best one. (Some restrictions may apply and.you may not be a chiropractor or an existing patient at our office.) Bring your


into our office or email it. If you choose email, type from the graphic below and make sure that you have


Hint: Start here: Learn more about Subluxation and my method.

Thank you and if you do have an issue I hope this helps. Remember your ebook. call us 415-444-0700

What makes our chiropractic office different?

Most advanced and carefully researched chiropractic techniques. Combined 50 years experience of our doctors. Super-education program. Thorough evaluation process. Advanced digital imagery. Advanced NASA/AMES invented computerized spine and nervous system evaluation. Personalized service. No one accepted as a patient unless we can help. Comprehensive 7 step healthcare plan called 7 Ways of Health, which is also an ebook. We track your improvements to make sure they happen. People who are new to chiropractic are often given graduated programs that start gently.

Chiropractic helps neck and back issues the same way it does headaches- by removing nerve interference.

Did you know that research studies show that the chiropractic adjustment can boost the immune system by 400%

Call 415-444-0700

for more information


Events- Our team led by the Community Outreach Director is in the community many times each month. This is another way to get to know us and also be checked to find out if we can make a difference for you in your life. Margaret is the Outreach Director. Call for the exact dates and times. 415-444-0700

We have helped 1000's of people from all over California and even some from out of state. Our method is proven, dynamic and powerful. Call us to find out if we can help you to!

Call for an appointment - to find out if we can help you too!

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Dr. Michael P. Joseph, Chiropractor
Neck, Back, Arm, Leg & Headache- Pain Relief Clinic of Marin and The Sports Injury Clinic of Marin
1050 Northgate Drive, Suite #130, San Rafael, Ca 94903

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